An invoice is a document given to the buyer by the seller to collect payment. It includes the cost of the products purchased or services rendered to the buyer.
- Click on "Liner Accounting" > "Invoice Entry" from the main menu on the left side.
- Method 1 : Already sent invoices from the job are marked as "to be billed." Click the Document number link to access the invoice entry screen.
- Method 2 : By clicking the new icon on the invoice entry screen, you can create a new invoice entry.library_add
- Fill out the required fields in the invoice entry screen and then click the "Fetch" button to retrieve charges for the selected order.
- Order Lookup: To fecth orders, select the customer, order number, and BL serial number, then click the search button.
- Select the checkbox to select the data and then click the download button to get the charge details. The total invoice amount displayed and the respective charges will be displayed in the charge details category.
- The user can select charge by checking the box and preview draft by clicking
Align charges, Matching details, Edit charges
- The user can align charges priority-wise.add_circle button
- Matching the amount against the voucher or receipt.check_circleto save the invoice
- The user can edit the saved details of Rate & Transport,Cargo Details, Container, and Income & Provision by clickingcreate button
How to chnage the billing party!
- Click "Copy From" field and Select existing job number to copy.
- Click "Yes" in the copy job confirmation popup.
- The user can edit copied data as per requirements.
- To preview the invoice before printing Click
Button to Preview Invoice as PDF.
How to say Job is Ready for Invoicing?
- The operations team can communicate to the finance team through this job screen whether the job is ready for invoicing or not.
- Option to send an invoice to the finance department by clicking on the "SEND TO INVOICE" button.