How to Convert IGM to Job Order!

An import is the process of receiving or bringing in goods from abroad for the purpose of trade. These goods can be received by individuals, companies or government, and are used for the processing of other products or to be resold to the final consumers.

Job order details include basic information, route and rates, cargo summary, container information, and income and provision details.

  1. You can convert IGM to Job as below Methods,
  2. Method 1 :From the main menu on the left, select Documentation > Import Manifest. Import Work order listings will then appear. press the import Job number link.To generate a new import Job from IGM, in the manifest entry page, click the "Convert into the Job" icon in the top left.
  3. Method 2 :Click on Documentation > Manifest to Order > Input required fields and select the BL using checkbox and click and Make orders button.
  4. Input all the mandatory fields on the below job order page.
  5. After inputting all the mandatory fields, click on the Save button. in the header to save the job.

How to Preview Job profit sheet!

  1. To view the Job Profit make sure you input income section in the job
  2. Click Button to Preview Job Profit as PDF.
  3. Provision refers to the vendor's quoted cost, while Actual Expense refers to the vendor's billed cost. Income means the quoted income from the customer, or the billed income from customers.

How to preview a Job!

  1. Job Preview > You can preview Job in pdf format by click button in the header.

How to say Job is Ready for Invoicing?

  1. The operations team can communicate to the finance team through this job screen whether the job is ready for invoicing or not.
  2. Option to send an invoice to the finance department by clicking on the "SEND TO INVOICE" button.