How to create a Quote!

The Quote process is part of your sales department and involves creating, approving, preview or email Quote PDF to customer and creating a Job from the Quote. You can also create a new Quote by copying the existing Quote detail.

Quote detail includes Basic info, Principal Rates, Customer/Vendor Rates, Commodity and Route detail.

  1. Click on Quote->Quotation from Main menu on the Left side.
  2. Quote List will be displayed. Click button to create a new Quote.
  3. Input all the mandatory fields in the below Quote page.
  4. After inputting all the mandatory fields, click button.
Adding Rate,Commodity and Route
  1. Under the Child section we can add Rate, Commodity and route details by clicking add_circle button
  2. Route detail is optional
  3. After entering all details click on save check_circle to save the details
  4. User can edit the saved details of Rate,Route and Commodity by clicking create button
  5. User delete the saved details of Rate,Route and Commodity by clicking cancel button
  6. User can copy data from the existing record of Rate,Route and Commodity by clicking file_copybutton
  7. Terms & Conditions – We can add T&C
  8. Click on the Save button in the header to save the Quotation

How to approve a Quote!

  1. To Approve Quote - Login as user with approval rights.
  2. Approver can select particular quote and click the button to approve quote

How to copy a Quote!

  1. click copy Quote field and select existing quote number to copy
  2. Click yes in the copy quote confirmation popup
  3. User can edit copied datas as per requirements

How to email a Quote!

  1. Click button to send email with Quote PDF as attachment.
  2. Enter email id and click on Send Mail button.

How to preview a Quote!

  1. Quote Preview – User can preview quote in pdf format by click button in the header

How to create a Job from Quote!

  1. To create Job from Quote, click library_add button on the top.
  2. To convert Quote from Job system ask the approval from admin

Do It Yourself!